


The Effect of Academic Competition and Coping Strategy on Students’ Psychological Distress




許崇憲(Chong-Shiann Hsu)


升學因應策略 ; 心理困擾 ; 教育期望 ; 臺灣教育長期追蹤資料庫 ; 學業競爭 ; Academic competition ; Coping strategy ; Educational expectation ; Psychological distress ; Taiwan Education Panel Survey




49卷1期(2017 / 09 / 01)


43 - 67




本研究利用臺灣教育長期追蹤資料庫第三波及第四波資料,探討學業競爭及升學因應策略對高三學生心理困擾的影響,並討論學業競爭是否調節升學因應策略的影響力。排除填答不完整樣本以及填答者不滿五人的班級之後,共有1,181 班的15,077 位參與者納入分析。探索性因素分析顯示成績排名、考試頻率、及挪用副科等指標合理地組成班級競爭結構變項。執行階層線性模式分析之後,獲得以下發現。首先,控制學生高二心理困擾之後,班級內學業競爭愈激烈,同儕之間愈多人採用各種升學策略,則高三學生個人心理困擾愈嚴重。其次,對於原本就有心理困擾的學生,班級學業競爭結構可能加重其心理困擾。第三,學生個人學業能力對其心理困擾沒有顯著預測力,班級競爭結構對此預測力亦無顯著的調節作用。第四,學生本身的教育期望及學業因應策略可正向預測其心理困擾。本文最後提出未來研究以及學生輔導方面的建議。


This study examined the effect of academic competition and individuals' academic competency and coping strategy on psychological distress among third-year students in senior high school. Data from the third and fourth wave of the Taiwan Education Panel Survey were used for this study. We excluded participants without complete responses and classes with less than five students taking part in this survey. There were 1,181 classes and over 15,000 students included in this study. Academic competition was defined operationally as class competition structure and classroom competition aura. Explorative factor analysis showed that class competition structure was composed of academic performance ranking, testing frequency, and misappropriation of deputy subjects time to main subjects. Classroom competition aura was represented by classmates' educational expectation, academic competency, and coping strategies. First, hierarchical linear modeling was conducted, and it was found that after controlling for psychological distress in students’ second year, class competition structure and classmates' coping strategies positively predicted psychological distress in the third year. Second, students with poor mental health in their second year experienced worsened psychological distress in their third year due to class competition structure. Third, students’ academic competency did not predict their psychological distress, and class competition structure did not moderate the prediction. Fourth, individuals' educational expectation and coping strategy positively predicted their own psychological distress. The higher the educational expectation that peers had concerning future career, the more the individuals' educational expectation negatively predicted their psychological distress. Future research and practical guidance are also suggested.

主题分类 社會科學 > 心理學
社會科學 > 教育學
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