


Relationship between Session Impact, Working Alliance, and Counseling Satisfaction on Preoccupied Clients with Attachment Style in the Initial Counseling Stage




陳慶福(Ching-Fu Chen);王雅萱(Ya-Hsuan Wang)


工作同盟 ; 晤談感受 ; 焦慮依附風格 ; 偏最小平方法結構方程模式 ; 諮商滿意 ; Counseling satisfaction ; PLS-SEM ; Preoccupied with attachment style ; Session impact ; Working alliance




50卷2期(2018 / 12 / 01)


267 - 291




本研究探討諮商初期個案的晤談感受、工作同盟與諮商滿意的關係。本研究以2014年10月至2016年7月間,至台灣13所大學的諮商輔導中心,以至少接受3次個別諮商的第3次諮商之焦慮依附風格大學生N = 87為對象。研究工具:第五版晤談評量問卷、工作同盟量表與諮商滿意量表。本研究以「偏最小平方法結構方程模式」(PLS-SEM)驗證研究假設之因果模式。研究發現:晤談感受對工作同盟有直接的影響,影響的效果值為.84(p < .001);工作同盟對諮商滿意也有直接影響,影響效果值為.56(p < .001)。晤談感受可透過工作同盟間接影響諮商滿意,效果值為.47(p < .001);晤談感受對諮商滿意直接效果值為.31(p < .01),晤談感受對諮商滿意的影響主要為間接關係,工作同盟可能為晤談感受與諮商滿意之中介變項。


The purpose of this study was to investigate relationships between clients' perception of session impact, working alliance, and counseling satisfaction in the initial counseling stage. All of the clients in this study had a preoccupied attachment style. The data were collected through questionnaires, namely, the Session Evaluation Questionnaire Form 5 (SEQ-5) (Stiles, Gordon, & Lani, 2002), Working Alliance Inventory (WAI) (Horvath & Greenberg, 1989), and Counseling Satisfaction Inventory-Short Form (CSI-S) (Chen & Jian, 2011). A total of 87 clients from 13 Taiwanese universities were recruited through heterogeneous convenience sampling between October 2014 and July 2016. After their third individual counseling session, clients completed the SEQ-5, WAI, and CSI-S. In addition, partial least squares structural equation modeling (PLS-SEM) was used to test the hypothesized path model. The results of this study were as follows: 1) clients' session impact predicted working alliance (effect size: .84, p < .001); 2) clients' working alliance predicted counseling satisfaction (effect size: .56, p < .001); 3) clients' session impact predicted working alliance (effect size: .84, p < .001); 4) clients' working alliance predicted counseling satisfaction (effect size: .56, p < .001); 5) clients' session impact indirectly predicted counseling satisfaction through working alliance (effect size: .47, p < .05); and 6) clients' session impact directly predicted counseling satisfaction (effect size: .31; p < .01). These findings suggest that clients' working alliance is likely to mediate the relationship between session impact and counseling satisfaction.

主题分类 社會科學 > 心理學
社會科學 > 教育學
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