


Interaction Relation between Academic Procrastination and Academic Emotions: Moderating Effect of Classroom Goal Structure




簡嘉菱(Chia-Ling Chien);程炳林(Bing-Lin Cherng)


課室目標結構 ; 課業情緒 ; 調節作用 ; 學業拖延 ; Academic emotions ; Academic procrastination ; Classroom goal structure ; Moderated effect




50卷2期(2018 / 12 / 01)


293 - 313






The study attempted to analyze the interaction relation between academic procrastination and academic emotions (hope, pride, boredom, and anger) of senior high school students and examine the moderating effect of the classroom goal structure between academic procrastination and academic emotions. Therefore, data collected from a longitudinal study with second grade senior high school students (N = 680, 315boys and 365girls) from seven schools were used to examine these. The results of the present study were summarized as follows: (1) the academic procrastination and academic emotions interaction effect model constructed in this study can be used to well explain the empirically observed data throughout Taiwan. The data analyses showed that there had been interaction relation between academic procrastination and academic emotions. (2) The relations between students' academic procrastination and academic emotions were moderated by students' perception of classroom goal structure: students in the guoup of perception of classroom mastery goal structure, the negative prediction of academic procrastination on positive academic emotions would strengthen; students in the guoup of perception of classroom performance goal structure, the negative prediction of academic procrastination on positive academic emotions would weaken; students in the guoup of perception of classroom mastery goal structure, the positive prediction of negative academic emotions on academic procrastination would weaken; students in the guoup of perception of classroom performance goal structure, the positive prediction of negative academic emotions on academic procrastination would strengthen; students in the guoup of perception of classroom mastery goal structure, the positive prediction of academic procrastination on negative academic emotions would weaken; students in the guoup of perception of classroom performance goal structure, the positive prediction of academic procrastination on negative academic emotions would strengthen. Based on the findings of this study, we discussed the implications and proposed suggestions for senior high school teaching and future research.

主题分类 社會科學 > 心理學
社會科學 > 教育學
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