The purpose of this study was to investigate the feasibility of a civic actionoriented information literacy plan within an elementary school, including the stages of analysis, design, development and evaluation. The plan topic was the US-Taiwan Eco-Campus Partnership Program. Students first identified environmental problems of the school; they then developed and implemented a civic action plan based on their collected information, exchanged dialogue to communicate with their American partners, and finally evaluated the overall effectiveness of the plan. The researchers collaborated with three teachers who teach information literacy, science and English respectively. The civic action lasted for ten months with two cycles. This study was conducted in an elementary school in the area of Chiayi. The data was gathered through participant observations, tests, surveys, interviews, and document analyses. The results showed that it is feasible to promote civic action-oriented information literacy curriculum in sixth grade. Students' problem solving skills, rational participation in public actions, and intercultural understanding improved via the following strategies. These strategies included progressive information literacy curriculum, collaboration among teachers, the support of school administration, and integration of information technology.
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