


Multimodal E-Book Co-Reading Practices Between Parents and Children




陳冠銘(Guan-Ming Chen);袁千雯(Chien Wen (Tina) Yuan)


親子共讀 ; 電子書 ; 閱讀行為 ; 閱讀 ; Parent-child reading ; E-book ; Reading behavior ; Reading




59卷3期(2022 / 11 / 01)


277 - 310






Parent-child reading is one of the most important learning activities in parent-child interaction. It helps develop children's writing and reading skills and other mental abilities. In parent-child reading, children not only acquire knowledge from books but also gain ability training experiences from discussing with their parents. In addition, interactions between parents and children when reading together are also an important factor affecting children's learning. In this study, 14 groups of parents and children were recruited for the research on parent-child reading e-books, with interviews as the main method and observation as the supplement. Parent-child reading and various oral and non-verbal behaviors were observed. After observation, behaviors was discussed in depth through semi-structured interviews and compared with observational data. This study found that with different e-book carriers and forms, there were differences in reading behaviors, such as dialogue content and physical interactions between parents and children in each group. In addition, parents and children's opinions were different.

主题分类 人文學 > 圖書資訊學
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