


Science Communication Studies between Science and Media: The Needs and Roles of the Contemporary Public




黃俊儒(Chun-Ju Huang);簡妙如(Miao-Ju Jian)


公民 ; 科技社會 ; 科學傳播 ; 閱聽人 ; audience ; public ; science communication ; technological society




105期(2010 / 10 / 01)


127 - 166




由於現代社會與科技發展間的高度連結使得許多科學與科技訊息的傳播不僅與個人的生活息息相關,更直接關係到一個社會的成熟與進步,但過去相關的探討卻極少。 本文從一個科技社會中公民的角色及需求出發,透過目前媒體中科學報導概況及相關研究文獻的檢閱,嘗試建立一個社會大眾在面對科學訊息時的認識模式。並透過此認識模式的開展,進一步從媒介、科學產業、閱聽人及社會等四個層面,具體地勾勒出未來台灣科學傳播研究所能夠進一步著力的方向。


Communication regarding science and technology within our society is undoubtedly a critical issue. It is not only intertwined into the everyday life, but is also a symbol of a mature and progressing society. However, little attention has been paid to the complex relationship between science and media. This study attempts to build a conceptual model to describe how individuals deal with scientific information. The way of building this model is primarily by reviewing the current scientific media reports and their related literature. Following this model, this paper then was able to construct four dimensions of science communication for future studies. These four dimensions are media, science, audience and society.

主题分类 社會科學 > 傳播學
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