


The Economic Efficiency of the Transfer and Reward of Building Bulk in Urban Renewal




胡海豐(Hai-Feng Hu)


都市更新 ; 容積 ; 經濟效率 ; Urban Renewal ; Building Bulk ; Economic Efficiency




93期(2015 / 09 / 01)


105 - 124






In the process of urban development, many governments use the zoning system to eliminate land use nonconformity, and use urban planning to guide urban growth. However, the pattern of contemporary urban growth may not be suitable for the needs of people. In order to overcome the bottleneck of urban development and hence rebuild the outdated urban regions, "urban renewal" has become a necessary policy for governments. In Taiwan, the government has attempted through the "Urban Renewal Act" to use economic incentives and assistance programs to revitalize the use of urban land. It turns out that the regulations regarding the transfer and the reward of building bulk in the Urban Renewal Act are factors key to the success of urban renewal. This research focuses on the economic efficiency of urban renewal from an institutional perspective, and concludes that the current regulations regarding the transfer and reward of building bulk may increase the Marshall efficiency of urban renewal. However, if we further expect these regulations to also satisfy the Pareto criterion, attention should be paid to the negative environmental externalities arising from these regulations.

主题分类 工程學 > 土木與建築工程
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