


A Correlation Study on the Math Attribution, Math Attitude, Math Anxiety and Math Achievement of Elementary School Students




吳明隆(Ming-Lung Wu);葛建志(Jian-Jhin Ge)


數學歸因信念 ; 數學態度 ; 數學焦慮 ; Math attribution ; Math attitude ; Math anxiety




21期(2006 / 12 / 01)


1 - 18






The main purposes of this study were to investigate the relationship on the fifth grade students' math attribution, math attitude and math achievement. This study adopted questionnaire investigations. The research samples were 920 students who come from Tainan City and County, Kaohsiung City and County and Ping-Tung County. The data was analyzed by using descriptive statistics, Mean, Independent t-Test, Pearson Product-moment Correlation, One-Way ANOVA, Canonical Correlation and Path Analysis, etc. The conclusions of the research were as follows: 1. ”Test anxious” causes the country's five graders to form in the math anxious stratification plane to score high points. 2. The negative math attitude of the fifth graders resulted from lower learning confidence in learning math. 3. Boy students tended to attribute success to their ability and environment. Girl students tended to attribute to their efforts. The girl students tended to attribute failure to their less ability and efforts than boys'. 4. The math anxiety of girl students is significantly higher than boy student's. The boy students' math leaning confidence is significantly higher than girls'. It showed that the ability of boy students in learning math were more confident than girls'. 5. The students who owned success attribution and had lower math anxiety, positive math attitude, would have higher math achievement. However, while the students who owned failure attribution and had higher math anxiety, passive math attitude, would have lower math achievement. 6. The important others who affected students' learning attitude were positive, encouraged and approvable. While the students had the lower math anxiety, the more positive affirmation of math attitude, the higher math achievement they would have. 7. Gender, math attribution, and the attitude of important others had typical correlation with students' math anxiety and could explain the 59.5% variety in the fifth-grade students' math anxiety. 8. Gender, math attribution, the attitude of important others had typical correlation with students' math attitude and could explain the 96.5% variety in the fifth-grade students' math attitude.

主题分类 基礎與應用科學 > 基礎與應用科學綜合
社會科學 > 教育學
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