


Customer Satisfaction after Service Failure and Recovery in Online Retailing: Expectancy Disconfirmation and Perceived Justice Perspectives




徐淑如(Shu-Lu Hsu);董和昇(Her-Sen Doong);羅雅嬪(Ya-Ping Lo)


網路購物 ; 服務失誤 ; 服務補救 ; 期望不一致 ; 知覺公平 ; 自我建構 ; online shopping ; service failure ; service recovery ; expectancy disconfirmation ; perceived justice ; self-construal




27卷1期(2008 / 01 / 01)


1 - 24






Although service failure and recovery issues have received considerable attentions in the literature, this topic has received only limited attention in the context of e-commerce. In this study, a model of customer satisfaction with service failure/recovery encounters has been conducted based on the concept of expectancy disconfirmation and perceived justice with the type of customer self construal as a covariate. The study employed experiments with ten scenarios consisting of combinations of five service failure situations and two recovery policies. Results show that the expectancy disconfirmation and the perceived justice of customers are affected significantly by various service failure situations and recovery policies of e-tailers, and notably influence customer satisfaction. Among the perceptions of justice, the interactional justice has the strongest effect on customer satisfaction after recovery. Furthermore, the perceived justice and the expectancy disconfirmation directly influence customer satisfaction after recovery, and the latter also has an indirect effect on customer satisfaction via the perceived justice.

主题分类 社會科學 > 經濟學
社會科學 > 管理學
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