


Solidarity with the Disadvantaged: Seeking Foundations of Justice in the National Health Insurance




呂建德(Jen-Der Lue)


全民健保 ; 正義 ; 健保改革 ; 台灣 ; National Health Insurance ; Justice ; Health Care Reform ; Taiwan




51期(2003 / 09 / 01)


51 - 94






This article aims to search the foundation of justice on which the National Health Insurance (NHI) is based. This article argues that the NHI can fulfill the minimum requirement of social justice in the delivery of health care through its centralization structure. The author firstly discusses three criteria for evaluating justice in the health insurance system: private allocative, social and procedural justice. Secondly, the performance and restriction of NHI in maintaining the equal health status has been discussed. Thirdly, the author discusses why the NHI could be a viable vehicle for effecting 'solidarity with the disadvantaged' through a comparative perspective. Lastly, some reform options for containing the rising cost have been discussed. Distinguishing between demand-side and supply-side reforms, the author argues that procedural justice matters for the maintenance of distributive and social justice in the NHI.

主题分类 社會科學 > 社會學
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