


Development and Validation of an Occupational Burnout Inventory




葉婉榆(Wan-Yu Yeh);鄭雅文(Ya-Wen Cheng);陳美如(Mei-Ju Chen);邱文祥(Allen Wen-Hsiang Chiu)


疲勞 ; 職場疲勞量表 ; 工作壓力 ; 信度 ; 效度 ; burnout ; burnout inventory ; work stress ; reliability ; validity




27卷5期(2008 / 10 / 01)


349 - 364




目標:編製中文版職場疲勞量表,並進行信效度檢驗。方法:以2007年台北市職場身心健康狀況調查之參與者為對象,包括男女性受僱工作者各2891、2704名,其中服務業員工佔52%,製造與水電燃氣業員工佔48%。此量表包括「個人疲勞」、「工作疲勞」、「服務對象疲勞」與「工作過度投入」四個分量表。問春也測量工作特質。自評健康狀況。工作壓力感受與工作滿意度。結果:四個分量表的Cronbach's alpha coefficients均在0.84以上。因素分析顯示,「個人疲勞」與「工作疲勞」題目歸屬於同一因素,而「服務對象疲勞」與「工作過度投入」的題目則分別屬於第二、第三個因素。此量表得分與其他工作。健康指標的相關性,大致而言符合預期:以「工作疲勞」為例,疲勞指數與工作負荷(在男女性相關係數均0.49)。工作壓力感受(男050,女053)。心理困擾程度(男068,女065)呈正相關;與自評健康(男-0.36,女-0.38)。工作滿意度(男-0.40,女-0.45)呈負相關。結論:此量表信效度良好,可做為評估職場健康之工具,亦有助於工作者健康意識的提升。


Objectives: This study was designed to evaluate the reliability and validity of an occupational burnout inventory. Methods: Study subjects were participants of a workplace health survey conducted by the City Government of Taipei, including 2891 male and 2704 female paid employees. Among them, 52% were employed in service sectors, 48% in industrial sectors. A self administered questionnaire was used that included four subscales-personal burnout, work-related burnout, client-related burnout, and over-commitment to work. Also included were measures for work conditions, self-rated health status, perceived work stress and job satisfaction. Results: Cronbach's alpha coefficients for the four subscales were all above 0.84. Exploratory factor analysis showed that all items of the ”personal burnout” and ”work-related burnout” subscales loaded on the first factor, while items of the ”client-related burnout” and ”over-commitment to work” subscale closely corresponded to the second and the third factor, respectively. The four dimensions of our occupational burnout inventory correlated with burnout-related factors in expected directions; for example, the ”work burnout” scores for men and women were both positively associated with job demands (correlation coefficient=0.49 for men and women), perception of job stress (0.50 for men, 0.53 for women) and levels of psychological distress (0.68 for men, 0.65 for women), and were negatively associated with self-rated health status (-0.36 for men, -0.38 for women) and job satisfaction (-0.40 for men, -0.45 for women). These associations were consistent with prior hypotheses. Conclusions: The occupational burnout inventory in this study was found to be a reliable and valid tool for assessment of burnout problems. It can be applied as a screening tool in the workplace, and can help to identify high-risk groups for burnout as well as to improve employees' health consciousness.

主题分类 醫藥衛生 > 預防保健與衛生學
醫藥衛生 > 社會醫學
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