


Association among Independent Directors (Supervisors), Corporate Information Transparency and Firm Value




邱垂昌(Chei-Chang Chiou);莊清騄(Ching-Lu Jhuang)


獨立董事 ; 獨立監察人 ; 公司資訊透明度 ; 公司價值 ; Independent Director ; Independent Supervisor ; Corporate Information Transparency ; Firm Value




18卷4期(2010 / 12 / 01)


949 - 1008






After Enron scandal, issues on corporate governance are gradually getting more attention. Introducing independent directors (supervisors) and enhancing corporate information transparency have gained the primary interests of public. This paper first aimed to examine the effect of independent directors and independent supervisors on corporate information transparency. We further investigated the effect of independent directors (supervisors) and corporate information transparency on firm value. The data was gathered from those firms listed on Stock Exchange of Taiwan from 2002 to 2004. The results indicated that the setup of independent directors indeed facilitated firms to enhance information transparency. It also showed that both the proportion of independent directors and the corporate information transparency were significantly relevant to firm value. However, independent supervisors didn’t have direct impact on the firm value.

主题分类 社會科學 > 管理學
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