


Institutional Changes and New Organizational Forms Creation: The Emergence of the Disability Social Enterprises




蔡依倫(I-Lun Tsai);高明瑞(Ming-Rea Kao)


制度革新 ; 制度多元主義 ; 組織型態 ; 社會企業 ; 身心障礙者運動 ; institutional entrepreneurship ; institutional pluralism ; organizational form ; social enterprise ; the disability social movement




21卷2期(2013 / 06 / 01)


339 - 368




「制度」的僵固性向來被視為恆久難變,經由趨同機制更衍生出高度同質的(homogeneous) 組織。唯近來新制度論提出「制度革新(institutional entrepreneurship)」,主張如英雄般的革新者經由策略與資源動員,將可以啟動制度變遷,促成異質的(heterogeneous)組織誕生。本文強調,制度革新可能導致場域結構改變,制度革新者不盡然總是贏家,唯有檢視革新歷程,才能看到制度變遷與新組織創設的全貌。本文採用歷史探究法,分析臺灣身心障礙制度變遷與障礙者社會企業誕生歷程(1985-2009年)。研究結果顯示,障礙者組織在制度革新過程扮演革新者角色,不僅改革制度也創設庇護工場。然而,制度革新導致場域結構改變,庇護工場置身多元制度,其正當性備受質疑,爾後經由不同行動者的介入與改造,工場轉而朝向社會企業型態發展。


”Institutions” has been considered enduring as well as difficult to change, and lead to homogeneous organizations. However, recent studies has highlighted on the heroic role of institutional entrepreneurs, who conduct strategic deployment and finally get the win-win situation, changing institutions as well as creating heterogeneous organizational form. Drawing on the case of institutional changes and the emergence of social enterprise in the Taiwan disability field (1985~2009), we show that the limitation of institutional entrepreneurs. While the disability social movement organizations had been successfully changing institutions and creating novel organizational form for the disability's occupational training, afterward they had not dominate in the institutionalization of the novel form. The occupational training workshop has institutionalized into social enterprise form due to other actors. The study highlights that the process of institutional entrepreneurship leads to structural changes of the field, which causes institutional entrepreneurs encounter unintended consequences.

主题分类 社會科學 > 管理學
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