


Continue or Discontinue? Cyber Literature Continuance Readership and the Effect of Addiction




韓揚銘(Y. M. Han);劉瑞啟(Jui-Chi Liu);范錚強(C. K. Farn)


網路文學 ; 沉迷 ; 沉浸經驗 ; 滿意度 ; 持續閱讀 ; Cyber literature ; addiction ; flow experience ; satisfaction ; continuance




21卷4期(2013 / 12 / 01)


705 - 742






The proliferation of the Internet has brought along ”cyber literature,” resulting in enormous changes to authors and audiences alike. For an author of cyber literature, in addition to attracting new readers, a more important issue is to keep loyal readers, who follow the publication streams, interact among themselves and with the author.This study aims to identify antecedents of readers' satisfaction through examining the underlying characteristics of cyber literature. By integrating flow theory and the concept of addiction, this study explores the readers' intention to continue reading cyber literature. Data were collected through self-administered Internet questionnaires. Analysis reveals that readers with higher levels of satisfaction have higher positive emotions of flow experience, while the levels of satisfaction and flow experience are also in-sync with continue reading intention.Finally, this study also discovered that readers with different addiction levels have different continuance reading intention. For the lower addiction group, addiction does not affect their continuance reading intention, but for the higher addiction group, addiction does have positive influence on the continuance reading intention.

主题分类 社會科學 > 管理學
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