


Making-do within Adversity: Resource Constraints as a Source of Innovation




蕭瑞麟(Ruey-Lin Hsiao);歐素華(Su-Hua Ou);吳彥寬(Yen-Kuan Wu)


隨創理論 ; 劣勢創新 ; 資源拼湊 ; 制約 ; 機會識別 ; Bricolage ; Resource Making-do ; Innovation under Adversity ; Constraints ; Opportunity Identification




25卷1期(2017 / 03 / 01)


219 - 268






Accumulating resources as a way to establish competitive advantage is in reality an unachievable expectation. In fact, modern enterprises could only strive for transient advantage; and more firms often would find themselves in adversity and merely struggle for survival. When firms have limited resources and restricted by various constraints, could they still find ways to turnaround the situations? The literature of bricolage suggests that, if low-power actors learn to making-do with resources surrounding them, it is possible to identify solutions to extricate themselves from the constraints. However, the theories of bricolage have yet to consider that constraints from the business environment will disable low-power actors, as resources are frugal, or hamper them from making-do with limited resources. It is unlucky enough to behold parsimonious resources; it is even more a misfortune when low-power actors are entrapped by constraints. Therefore, an immediate inquiry is concerned with in what ways making-do with tight resources could lead to disentangling of constraints. This research investigates how a Drama Production Department of a television company responded to various constraints with inadequate resources. Theoretically, in relation to current theses on resource making-do and resource construction, this paper indicates an alternative 'resource conversion' perspective to enrich the repertoire of bricolage theory. Conversion is interpreted as identifying opportunities, balancing conflicts in using resources, and embarking on a series of value transformation via resources. In practice, this research proposes principles for resource conversion; by converting constraints into commanding heights, low-power actors could identify how to turn a stumbling-block into a stepping-stone. When resources are in shortage, it is unwise to fight against adversity hastily; rather, low-power actors should observe timing for constraint translation. When constraints are redefined, creative ideas emerge; value of resources could be transformed in series, making-do with resources become meaningful; and resolutions would seem ready to come out at one's call.

主题分类 社會科學 > 管理學
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