


Social Capital of Family and School-Its Relationship with Elementary School Children's Internalizing Behavioral Problems




李思賢(Tony Szu-Hsien Lee);張弘潔(Hung-Chieh Chang);李蘭(Lee-Lan Yen);吳文琪(Wen-Chi Wu)


兒童 ; 內化行為問題 ; 社會資本 ; children ; internalizing behavioral problems ; social capital




19卷3期(2006 / 09 / 01)


231 - 253




研究目的:社會資本具有社會結構的特質,存在於人際關係中,可促使其結構中個人之行動。本文是從家庭及學校兩個面向,探討社會資本與國小學童內化行為問題之相關性。研究方法:本研究利用兒童及青少年行為長期發展研究(Child and Adolescent Behaviors in Long-term Evolution,簡稱CABLE)計畫2003年的部分資料進行次級資料分析。台北市及新竹縣兩地區之國小六年級學童,且與雙親共同生活者,計有2,247人為本研究之分析樣本。本文以「內化行為問題」作為依變項,由憂鬱傾向、社交焦慮、及社交孤寂三個構念所組成。研究結果:本研究發現,在控制背景因素的影響後,家庭及學校的社會資本可以預測學童的內化行為問題,即越缺乏家庭的社會資本(家庭互動低、家庭衝突高)及學校的社會資本(學校認同低)之學童,其內化行為問題越嚴重。此外,相較於男生,社會資本對女生的內化行為問題有較高的預測力。研究結論:本文資料支持性別及社會資本與兒童內化行為問題有相關性,因此建議家長及老師應重視提供心理衛生教育,並且提升家庭及學校環境的社會資本,以預防兒童內化行為的發生。


Purpose: Social capital consists of some aspects of social structures and inheres in networks of relationships between people or organizations, facilitating the actions of the actors within the structures. This article investigates the effect of social capital, in both the family and school environment, on the development of internalizing behavioral problems in elementary school students. Methods: The study was conducted by using secondary data analysis of 2003 data from the ”Child and Adolescent Behaviors in Long-Term Evolution (CABLE)” project. The study sample consisted of a total of 2,247 sixth grade students from Taipei City and Hsinchu County who were living with both parents. ”Internalizing behavioral problems” was used as the dependent variable and was broken down into the three constructs of ”depression”, ”social anxiety” and ”social loneliness”. Results: After controlling for background factors, we found that family and school social capital were able to prevent internalizing behavioral problems in children. In addition, students whose family lack social capital (low levels of family interaction, high levels of family conflict) or school lack social capital (poor school identity) had more serious internalizing behavioral problems. Moreover, social capital was more predictive in girls than in boys. Conclusions: The results support that girls and lower social capital are associated with internalizing behavioral problems among children. Hence, our study suggests that parents and teachers should provide children with mental health education, create an environment with better social capital, and consequently, prevent children's internalizing behavioral problems.

主题分类 社會科學 > 心理學
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