


Cooperative Learning and Mastery Learning on the Volleyball Skill Learning Achievement




鄭金昌(Cheng-Chin Chang);王宗吉(Tzung-Chin Wang)


合作學習 ; 精熟學習 ; 學習成就 ; cooperative learning ; mastery learning ; skill learning achievement




37期(2004 / 09 / 01)


265 - 274




The purpose of this study was to investigate the effects of cooperative learning and mastery learning on volleyball skill learning. A total of 116 sample students were separated into two groups, of which 58 were in the cooperative learning group, and 58 were in the mastery learning group. Cooperative learning method was used for the former group, and mastery learning method was used for the latter. Students in each group were further divided into smaller teams heterogeneously according to their pre-study evaluations. There was an average of 7 to 8 students in every team. Learning achievements of these students were evaluated immediately after 8 weeks of the learning experiment. Our results showed that: 1.Both the cooperative learning and mastery learning groups showed significant improvement on their “learning achievements” (p<.05). 2. The “learning achievement” of the mastery learning group was significantly higher than the cooperative learning group (p<.05). In conclusion, we found that the “learning achievement” of the mastery learning group was significantly higher than the “cooperative learning group”.


The purpose of this study was to investigate the effects of cooperative learning and mastery learning on volleyball skill learning. A total of 116 sample students were separated into two groups, of which 58 were in the cooperative learning group, and 58 were in the mastery learning group. Cooperative learning method was used for the former group, and mastery learning method was used for the latter. Students in each group were further divided into smaller teams heterogeneously according to their pre-study evaluations. There was an average of 7 to 8 students in every team. Learning achievements of these students were evaluated immediately after 8 weeks of the learning experiment. Our results showed that: 1.Both the cooperative learning and mastery learning groups showed significant improvement on their “learning achievements” (p<.05). 2. The “learning achievement” of the mastery learning group was significantly higher than the cooperative learning group (p<.05). In conclusion, we found that the “learning achievement” of the mastery learning group was significantly higher than the “cooperative learning group”.

主题分类 社會科學 > 體育學
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