


The effects of the adventure education courses on resilience for adolescents suffering from disaster




吳崇旗(Chung-Chi Wu);謝智謀(Chih-Mou Hsieh)


休閒教育 ; 體驗教育 ; 成效評估 ; leisure education ; experiential education ; effectiveness evaluation




50卷4期(2017 / 12 / 01)


451 - 467






Introduction: Natural disasters are of frequent occurrence; therefore, how to assist the adolescents suffering from disaster recover their psychological trauma had become an important issue. It was testified that through the promotion of two elements for adventure and challenge in adventure education courses could enhance resilience for troubled adolescents. Hence, the purpose of this research was to evaluate the effects of adventure education courses on resilience for adolescents suffering from disaster. Methods: These adventure education courses were designed following the benefits-based management activity planning model. Then, quasi-experimental as well as the pretest-posttest nonequivalent groups design were used. Participants were 30 adolescents suffering from disaster and divided into two groups: an experimental group with participating in adventure education courses (n=15) and a control group without participation (n=15). The scale of "adolescent's resilience" was used to examine the effects of the adventure education courses for five-weeks-forty-hours intervention. Data analysis was conducted by the methods of paired t test and One-way MANCOVA. Results: The experimental group achieved more significant and positive improvement on four subscales of resilience: problem solving and cognitive maturity, hope and optimism, empathy and interpersonal interaction, and emotional regulation than the control group. Also, the low to medium levels of positive change were found for effect size from experimental group. Conclusions: The designed adventure education courses could bring out positive effect on resilience for adolescents suffering from disaster.

主题分类 社會科學 > 體育學
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