This paper discusses the interactive relationships between humans, animals, moving objects (e.g., water and soil), and eco-friendly gastronomy from the perspective of indigenous food culture. The mitten crab (Eriocheir rectus) is native to eastern Taiwan's rivers and creeks. In the spring, mature crabs move downstream to the Pacific Ocean for mating and brooding, while from late June the larvae crawl upstream and continue to grow. Crawling between rocks and pebbles along rivers, the mitten crab is a common aquatic animal usually seen by the Paiwan people in the South-link Region of Taitung County. However, it is now gradually disappearing. Why has the mitten crab become less visible in Paiwan people's daily life? How do rivers and stones become spaces for human-crab interaction? How does the interweaving of local tourism, the Paiwanese culture of fishing and hunting, and local gastronomy bring opportunities and challenges to various efforts to conserve mitten crab, maintain Paiwanese culture, and reconstruct local gastronomy? Since July 2019, I have traced the social life of the mitten crab along the Dazhu River by conducting ethnographic fieldwork and secondhand data analysis to shed light on the entanglement between the Paiwanese people, the river, and the mitten crab. This paper examines the roles of humans, nature, and moving objects in ecological changes. It investigates associated political ecology, cultural memory, as well as local knowledge and skills from the perspectives and experiences of hunters, traditional community leaders, government agencies, and local tourism service providers. I also discuss the possibility of coproduction of Paiwan people, scholars, and crabs regarding gastronomic tourism, and argue that the Paiwanese culture of sharing food from the local environment can enhance opportunities for gastronomic tourism. By responding to the reinvention of food tradition, this paper contributes to theoretical discussions on posthumanism and materiality.
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