


Developing Corporate Social Responsibility Strategies for Medical Institution: A Medical Center in South Taiwan




利害關係人 ; 企業社會責任 ; 關注程度 ; 關鍵決策因子 ; Corporate Social Responsibility ; Internal Customers ; Degree of Concern ; Determinant Factor




28卷3期(2021 / 09 / 01)


63 - 87






Objectives: Corporate social responsibility (CSR) can promote company-internal customer's relationships and develop corporate operation sustainability. Our study will discuss CSR decision- making factors what internal customers pay attention to. Then appropriate decision thinking can be produced by providing CSR priority factors to case hospital. Methods: This is a cross-sectional study. We used a convenient sampling to conduct a questionnaire survey during the period from April 13 to 30, 2018 for internal customers including papers and online survey. Total 228 questionnaires were recovered, and the effective rate was 82.6%. The questionnaire focused on corporate governance, labor safety, environmental protection, customer rights and social welfare dimensions. We used principle components analysis to analyze and search essential decision-making and decision-making factors. Results: The result shows that 75% of internal customers are concerned about CSR, especially for customer rights (77.9%) and labor safety relationships (76.9%). Customer rights consists emergency medical capability, patient privacy and elderly medical service. Labor safety consists employer-employee relations, occupational safety and health, diversified service and equal opportunity. Internal customers emphasize social welfare (0.2063), corporate governance (0.2016) and labor safety relationship (0.2012). Among overall decision-making factors, corporate governance (economic performance, market standing, anti-corruption and procurement practice) and labor safety relationships (occupational safety health, labor relations and employer-employee relations) are significant. The importance of social welfare dimension is not prominent. Conclusions: Precise CSR strategy can promote health and attain corporate sustainability and development. Corporate governance and labor safety are the most priorities for company. Besides company operations and performance, they should also establish a friendly workplace environment, provide internal customers with high-quality welfare and regularly training; Furthermore, promoting physical and mental health of employees and corporate operation sustainability.

主题分类 社會科學 > 管理學
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