


A Study of Technical and Administrative Innovation, Service Quality and Organizational Performance in International Tourist Hotels-Organizational Citizenship Behavior as a Moderator


許中駿(Chung-Chun Hsu);郭字欣(Yu-Hsin Kuo);張姮燕(Heidi H. Chang);許順旺(Shun-Wang Hsu)


技術創新 ; 管理創新 ; 服務品質 ; 組織績效 ; 組織公民行為 ; technical innovation ; administrative innovation ; service quality ; organizational performance ; Organizational citizenship behavior




102期(2014 / 09 / 01)


79 - 105






This research aims to explore the relationship between international tourist hotel employees' perceived technical and administrative innovation, service quality, organizational performance and organizational citizenship behavior in Taiwan. Questionnaire survey method was used to collect data through convenience sampling. The samples of this research are employees who have worked in each department of the international tourist hotels in Taiwan for at least 6 months with directors' approved of service quality and organizational citizenship behavior. There were 500 questionnaires be distributed to staff and 100 questionnaires to directors, and 397 valid staff questionnaires and 85 valid directors questionnaires were received. The results showed that: technical innovation and administrative innovation have positive impact on service quality; service quality has positive impact on organizational performance; technical and administrative innovation have positive impact on organizational performance; organizational citizenship behavior has moderation effect on the two relationships between administrative innovation to service quality.

主题分类 社會科學 > 經濟學
社會科學 > 管理學
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