


Current Dissemination of Applied Behavior Analysis in Taiwan: An Example of the Taipei City Elementary School Special Education Teachers




張淑芬(Shu-Feng Zheng);郭千瑜(Chien-Yu Kuo);王慧婷(Hui-Ting Wang);鳳華(Hua Feng)


行為功能評量 ; 特殊教育教師 ; 應用行為分析 ; applied behavior analysis ; functional behavior assessment ; special education teachers




43卷2期(2018 / 07 / 31)


1 - 29






The Taiwan Association for Behavior Analysis was established in 2007. There are three course series certified by the Behavior Analyst Certification Board in Taiwan. As of June 2018, 24 certified behavior analysts were located in Taiwan. Taiwan's "Enforcement Rules of Special Education" were amended in 2013; since then, the special education professional team involved in the program has been required to provide functional behavior intervention plans to students with emotional behavior issues; this was an important milestone for the domestic implementation of applied behavior analysis (ABA). Purpose: Using elementary school special education teachers in Taipei as an example, this study explored the current dissemination of ABA among special education teachers in Taiwan. Our research questions examined the following: (1) cognizance of ABA; (2) the frequency of use of ABA; (3) the levels of cognizance and frequency of use of ABA, which we used to categorize teachers into groups exhibiting a high level of cognizance of ABA and high frequency of use, a high level of cognizance and low frequency of use, a low level of cognizance and high frequency of use, and a low level of cognizance and low frequency of use; (4) the variables that influence the level of cognizance and frequency of use of ABA; and (5) the variables that predicted frequency of use of ABA. Methods: Certified special education teachers at elementary schools in Taipei were eligible participants. A structured questionnaire of 30 questions (including eight duplicated reverse questions for reliability) was developed on the basis of positive behavior support and the seven dimensions of ABA. Questionnaires were distributed to a systematically randomized sample of 66 elementary schools and two special schools in Taipei; 298 valid set of responses were collected. Results/Findings: Most participants consistently provided correct answers to questionnaire items relating to the "technological" and "behavioral" dimensions but not to questions in the "applied" dimension. Per the survey results, the participants were distributed into four types according to the level of cognizance and frequency of use of ABA: 33.9% exhibited a high level of cognizance and high frequency of use, 28.9% demonstrated a high level of cognizance and low frequency of use, 21.1% displayed a low level of cognizance and low frequency of use, and 16.1% had a low level of cognizance and high frequency of use. A stepwise multiple regression analysis indicated that the key predictors of high frequency of use of ABA in teaching were high frequency of use of ABA, high level of cognizance of ABA, attainment of a higher than college/university educational level or completion of 40 credits of graduate-level special education classes, and teaching in ordinary school resource classes or special education schools. This study additionally discovered that the motivation to use ABA, the level of cognizance of the practice, the level of educational attainment, and the type of school in which the participant worked predicted the frequency of use of ABA in functional behavior intervention planning. Conclusions/Implications: This study determined that one-third of special education teachers in elementary schools had a high level of cognizance and high frequency of use of ABA. This finding demonstrated the current dissemination of the practice and evidenced the need for improvement. The results also demonstrated that motivation to use the practice, a high level of cognizance of ABA, a high level of educational attainment, and the type of school in which a teacher works predict the likelihood of the use of behavior functional analysis and intervention. The proportional sampling method precludes generalizing the findings to the entirety of Taiwan, but no other similar study has been reported in Taiwan; thus, the results nevertheless serve as a useful reference for promoting the practice of ABA.

主题分类 社會科學 > 教育學
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