


Employee Voice Behavior: A Review and Future Research Agenda




林守紀(Shou-Chi Lin);周麗芳(Li-Fang Chou);任金剛(Chin-Kang Jen);曾春榮(Chun-Jung Tseng)


員工建言行為 ; 建言行為的中介與調節因素 ; 多層次員工建言模式 ; 本位取向 ; 華人建言行為 ; employee voice behavior ; mediating and moderating factors of voice behavior ; multiple level model of employee voice ; emic approach ; Chinese voice behavior




17卷1期(2017 / 03 / 01)


1 - 33






Employee voice behavior (EVB) can help organization detecting hidden problems and offer organization various and creative viewpoints to face the environment with growing competitions. Compared to being highly valued with fruitful research findings by Western organizational behavior researchers and practitioners, the studies on EVB are relatively scarce in Taiwan and most of them just replicated researches or followed perspectives from Western studies. Therefore, this article aims to conduct literature review of EVB studies for both in Western and Taiwan to, firstly, clarify the concept, characteristics, and measurement of EVB; secondly, analyze the EVB-related antecedent and consequent factors, mediation and moderation mechanisms, from Western studies; thirdly, examine current status of EVB studies in Taiwan. Then, based on the results stated above, the future research directions on EVB are further discussed with emic approach on Chinese voice behavior to facilitate deepening development of EVB studies and theory building in Taiwan.

主题分类 社會科學 > 心理學
社會科學 > 社會學
社會科學 > 經濟學
社會科學 > 管理學
社會科學 > 法律學
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