


Improve NPGY (Nurse Post Graduate Year) ability in dealing with child protection cases by using diversify teach strategy




陳冬蜜(Tung-Mi Chen);尤愛歆(Ai-Shin Yu);吳宜貞(Yi-Chen Wu);江曉敏(Hsiao-Min Chiang);曾瀞瑩(Ching-Ying Tseng);丁淇平(Chi-Ping Ting)


兒少虐待 ; 兒少疏失 ; 兒少保護 ; 多元教學 ; sild abuse ; child neglect ; child protection ; diversify teach strategy




34卷1期(2023 / 03 / 01)


51 - 64




衛福部資料統計,2018年全國兒少虐待案件通報人數高達2.9萬件。急診護理師在發現兒少受虐過程中,有著舉足輕重的第一線角色,臨床上發現畢業後二年期訓練護理師面對取證通報繁瑣作業,需反覆尋求協助,甚至因延遲通報或通報資料不完整而肩負法律責任,導致缺乏自信及沮喪,故引發專案小組改善動機。本文旨在提升畢業後二年期訓練護理師(Nurse Post Graduate Year, NPGY)兒少保護處置照護完整性,經現況調查、分析發現學員認知正確率僅53%、完整性僅3.4分,故設計數位互動學習APP,運用故事框架及融入有效又簡易的口訣幫助記憶,讓學習者能掌握事件的情境脈絡關鍵,促使正確率提升至91%、完整性提升至5.1分,藉由多元化教學模式,跳脫護理傳統的教學框架,將學習成效發揮到極致,教學成效卓越反應於照護品質,成功轉銜臨床實務工作角色,更能提升專業護理價值。


According to the data of Ministry of Health and Welfare, 29 thousand cases of child abuse and neglect were reported in 2018. Nurses working in the Emergency Department play an important role in detecting children who are vulnerable to domestic abuse and neglect. However, it was found that Nurse Post Graduate Year often have difficulties in filling out or reporting child abuse due to complicated paper works. They required much assistance during the process. Also, if they delay report or provide incomplete information, a legal liability may cause. It leads to insufficient confidence and frustration of Nurse Post Graduate Year. The aims of this project was to improve the complete rate of managing child abuse case of Nurse Post Graduate Year. After initial analysis, the rate of accurate acknowlegdement and completeness was 53% and 3.4 respectively. We designed an interactive E-learning application using a scenario with effective mnemonic phrases to help the learner catch up on the key point of the situation. As a result, the accuracy rate rose to 91%, and the completeness increased by 5.1. Using diverse teaching tools instead of the traditional teaching model can be advanced learning efficiency and positively reflect the quality of clinical care, thus enhancing professional value.

主题分类 醫藥衛生 > 預防保健與衛生學
醫藥衛生 > 社會醫學
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