According to the data of Ministry of Health and Welfare, 29 thousand cases of child abuse and neglect were reported in 2018. Nurses working in the Emergency Department play an important role in detecting children who are vulnerable to domestic abuse and neglect. However, it was found that Nurse Post Graduate Year often have difficulties in filling out or reporting child abuse due to complicated paper works. They required much assistance during the process. Also, if they delay report or provide incomplete information, a legal liability may cause. It leads to insufficient confidence and frustration of Nurse Post Graduate Year. The aims of this project was to improve the complete rate of managing child abuse case of Nurse Post Graduate Year. After initial analysis, the rate of accurate acknowlegdement and completeness was 53% and 3.4 respectively. We designed an interactive E-learning application using a scenario with effective mnemonic phrases to help the learner catch up on the key point of the situation. As a result, the accuracy rate rose to 91%, and the completeness increased by 5.1. Using diverse teaching tools instead of the traditional teaching model can be advanced learning efficiency and positively reflect the quality of clinical care, thus enhancing professional value.
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