


A Case Study on Factors Influencing the Development of Beginning Elementary Mathematics Teachers' Efficacy-An Example in Taichung




張宇樑(Yu-Liang Chang);吳樎椒(Su-Chiao Wu)


初任教師 ; 教師效能感 ; 國小數學 ; 效能感發展 ; Beginning Teacher ; Teacher Efficacy ; Elementary Mathematics ; Efficacy Development




17卷1期(2009 / 02 / 01)


27 - 48






The purpose of this research was to explore factors influencing the development of beginning elementary mathematics teachers' efficacy during the first year of teaching. A multiple-case study design was employed in this study. Cases were six beginning elementary mathematics teachers in the Taichung area, selected based on their efficacy ratings on the Mathematics Teaching Efficacy Beliefs Instrument. Targeted factors that would influence beginning teacher efficacy were identified by the editing analytic techniques through the data collected from interviews, recordings, observations, and both researchers' and beginning teachers’ reflections. According to the data analysis, findings were reported as follows: First, beginning elementary mathematics teacher efficacy was mainly influenced by ”internal condition” and ”external condition” factors, which were ”teachers' professional background and beliefs” and ”peer-interaction and administrative support”respectively. In addition, beginning teachers' mastery experiences generated from the internal condition factor had a great deal of influence on their efficacy development. Vicarious experiences and physiological arousal cues originating from the external condition factor became relatively important sources of their efficacy development. Based on these findings, concrete recommendations are proposed for the improvement of beginning elementary mathematics teachers' efficacy.

主题分类 社會科學 > 教育學
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