


A Case Study-How Did an Experienced Teacher Implement Mathematics Curriculum in Her Classroom?




徐偉民(Wei-Min Hsu)


國小教師 ; 數學課程 ; 課程實施 ; Elementary School Teacher ; Mathematics Curriculum ; Curriculum Implementation




19卷2期(2011 / 04 / 01)


101 - 122






The purpose of this study was to explore how an experienced elementary school teacher implemented mathematics curriculum in her classroom, and to identify factors that were considered during the implementation process. Case study methodology was used to study a sixth-grade teacher with more than 10 years teaching experience. The primary data sources were classroom observations and teacher interviews collected during the 2006-07 school year. Findings of this study indicated that the teacher actively chose and then frequently adjusted mathematics tasks from the textbook. Most of the tasks she used during her teaching were classified as high cognitive demand mathematical tasks. She regularly implemented these tasks in an interactive way and provided many opportunities for students to discuss and explain their thinking as they worked on and completed the tasks. The teacher usually actively interpreted the students' reactions and took account of textbook features in deciding how to implement mathematics tasks. This study also found teacher identity, which included her teaching knowledge, beliefs about students and teaching, and professional role identity, had significant impact on her curriculum implementation. The limitations of the teaching context that the teacher faced did not seem to be considered during her curriculum implementation.

主题分类 社會科學 > 教育學
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