


Exploring the Performance of Scientific Inquiry Competence of Disadvantaged Students in Science Camp




鄭立婷(Li-Ting Cheng);林煥祥(Huan-Hsiang Lin);洪振方(Jeng-Fung Hung)


科學探究活動 ; 弱勢學童 ; 探究能力 ; Scientific Inquiry Activity ; Disadvantaged Students ; Inquiry Competence




28卷3期(2020 / 09 / 01)


197 - 221






The purpose of this research is to explore the inquiry competence of disadvantaged students in scientific inquiry activities. The researchers of this study researched on a total of 10 disadvantaged students in the third to fifth grades of a country in southern Taiwan, conducted a 20-hours scientific inquiry summer camp with four themes and seven activities. The sources of data collection included classroom videos and learning sheets in the process. Data were analyzed in order to understand students' inquiry learning performance in activities. The study found that the disadvantaged students of elementary school can reach the competence of "imagination creation" and "observation and topic determination"; however, they need to be guided to achieve good performances in "inference of theory" and "planning speculation"; and they have difficulty in reaching "planning and execution," "analysis and discovery," and "discussion and communication." Suggestions were made based on the research findings, as a reference for future inquiry teaching design.

主题分类 社會科學 > 教育學
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