


The Effect of Question-Answer-Relationship Strategy on the Argumentation and Reading Comprehension Abilities of the Sixth Graders Through Infusing Socioscientific Issue Texts




夏玉林(Yu-Lin Xia);靳知勤(Chi-Chin Chin)


社會性科學議題 ; 問題答案關係策略 ; 論證能力 ; 閱讀理解能力 ; 閱讀教學 ; Socioscientific Issue ; Question-Answer-Relationship Strategy ; Argumentation Ability ; Reading Comprehension Ability ; Reading Instruction




29卷3期(2021 / 09 / 01)


191 - 217




本研究探討國小六年級學生閱讀社會性科學議題文本中,融入問題答案關係策略,對其閱讀理解與論證能力的影響。研究採準實驗研究設計,實驗組(n = 24)與對照組(n = 26)各一班,其中實驗組接受以問題答案關係策略之社會性科學議題閱讀教學,對照組接受社會性科學議題閱讀教學,共計11節課。而教學議題為「動物實驗」與「神豬比賽」;教學介入前、中、後,各接受一次閱讀理解與論證能力施測。研究工具為「閱讀理解測驗」與「論證能力測驗」。第一階段教學的「動物實驗」中,兩組皆為進行「社會性科學議題文本閱讀、思考單、討論」的教學過程;第二階段「神豬比賽」議題的教學則如前階段相同的歷程,惟實驗組在討論中融入問題答案關係策略,對照組則否。研究結果顯示:一、實驗組的閱讀理解及論證能力,均獲致顯著成長。二、實驗組與對照組的閱讀理解及論證能力中測成績間無差異。三、後測時,實驗組的閱讀理解及論證能力均顯著高於對照組。


This quasi-experimental investigation explored the effects of an instructional intervention using a question-answer-relationship strategy with two Socioscientific Issue (SSI) on sixth grade students' argumentation ability (AA) and reading comprehension ability (RCA). One experimental group (n = 24) and one control group (n = 26) participated in 11 hours of instruction. The SSI teaching topics were "animal experiment" and the Taiwan Hakka community traditional "holy pig competition" ritual. Two research instruments used with each group before, during, and after the instructional intervention were a RCA test and an AA test. When teaching the "animal experiment" SSI, the teacher instructed both groups to (1) read a SSI-text, (2) complete a "thinking sheet," and then (3) discuss the SSI. When teaching the "holy pig competition" to both groups, the teacher used the same instructional process. However, the teacher incorporated the question-answer-relationship strategy into the students' discussion of the SSI in the experimental group, but did not incorporate this strategy into the students' discussion of the SSI in the control group. Results showed (1) both AA and RCA of the experimental group significantly increased; (2) no significant differences were found in the AA and RCA mid-tests in the two groups; and (3) the experimental group had significantly higher scores in AA and RCA post-tests than the control group.

主题分类 社會科學 > 教育學
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