


Application of Concept Maps to Remedial Instruction and Evaluation in an Intermediate Accounting Course




邱垂昌(Chei-Chang Chiou)


中級會計學 ; 概念圖 ; 概念構圖 ; 補救教學與評量 ; Intermediate Accounting ; Concept Maps ; Concept Mapping ; Remedial Instruction and Evaluation




25卷1期(2008 / 06 / 01)


127 - 154






The major purpose of this paper is to study whether concept maps can be applied as a remedial instruction and evaluation tool in an intermediate accounting course. Specifically, this paper examines (1) the applicability of using concept maps as an intermediate accounting course remedial instruction tool and (2) the applicability of using concept maps as a feasible evaluation tool for intermediate accounting course. The experimental data reveal two important results. First, concept maps can serve as a useful tool for intermediate accounting course remedial instruction and help students improve their learning performance. Second, concept maps can be used as a feasible evaluation tool for the intermediate accounting course. The results of this study indicate two important implications for accounting education. First, using concept maps, which focuses on associated connection among different concepts, can improve students' logical thought and deductive abilities. It can also reduce the phenomenon that traditional accounting education has been criticized as numeral game. Second, concept maps, due to its emphasis on precise association among different concepts, can become the solid basis for remedial instruction.

主题分类 社會科學 > 教育學
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