


The Study of Transforming Manufacturing Firms into Service-oriented Business: An SSME Perspective




林玉惠(Yu-Hui Lin);萬鍾汶(Jong-Wen Wann);陸大榮(Ta-Jung Lu)


服務科學 ; 服務創新 ; 企業轉型 ; 服務導向 ; 製造業服務化 ; Service Science, Management and Engineering SSME ; Service Innovation ; Business Transformation ; Service-oriented ; Servitization




14卷2期(2009 / 06 / 01)


59 - 96






The purpose of this study is to explore how Taiwanese manufacturing firms develop competitive advantages via providing value-added innovative services and how they transform themselves into service-oriented businesses. This study utilized a cross-disciplined Service Science, Management and Engineering (SSME) perspective to examine how managers using novel business model to successfully assist companies in the <||>servitization<||> process. Our framework of the relationship between service innovation and business transformation was built on Hertog, Venkatraman, and Rouse's studies of service innovation, business transformation and information technology (IT) capability. Six hypotheses and four linear structural relationships model were developed. A total of 360 questionnaires were dispatched to manufacturing companies which have gone through or are in the process of transforming into service-oriented firms in Taiwan and 130 valid questionnaires were obtained. The data was analyzed by AMOS to reveal the following two points: (1) IT capability has positive effects on the client interface, delivery system and service concept of a service innovation. (2) The client interface, delivery system and service concept of a service innovation have positive effects on the business process redesign, business network redesign and business scope redefinition of business transformation. Our results indicated that the manufacturing companies in Taiwan have realized that they are also service providers and are capable of utilizing IT technology to build the service platform to transform themselves into service-oriented businesses which is inline with SSME.

主题分类 社會科學 > 管理學
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