


Teaching Reflection and Preschool Teacher Professional Growth: A case study of teaching journal


梁佳蓁(Chia-Chen Liang)


反思 ; 教學反思 ; 教學日誌 ; 幼兒園教師 ; 教師專業成長 ; reflection ; teaching reflection ; teaching journal ; preschool teacher ; teacher professional growth




37期(2016 / 12 / 31)


111 - 127






Teaching journal is what preschool teachers have to do every day. It provides teachers with a sensitive feel in their teaching behavior to promote teachers' thinking, teaching review and the policy improvement, making teachers become professional teachers. Especially to preschool teachers, who teach all classes (package shifts), complicated teaching environment keeps them in an isolated situation on a daily basis. Preschool teachers have the responsibility to take care and educate the children, showing that preschool teaching reflection is very important. The paper first used literature analysis to properly arrange the meaning and connotation of "teaching reflection", and then summarized and analyzed collected data from teaching journal and interviews. Study shows that preschool teacher's work is complex and they need to take care of children for a long time. In addition, current education and training cannot make them thoroughly understand the nature of the reflection, so that the teaching journal failed to give full play to the effectiveness. Suggestion is use 'Teaching Reflection' to strengthen teacher education and training, ameliorate the working environment of teachers, and provide more time and space to implement the professional dialogue, promoting teachers to understand the importance of Teaching Reflection to improve teachers' professional growth.

主题分类 社會科學 > 教育學
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