


The Study of the Indigenous Parents' Attitude toward the Mathematical Learning Contexts in the Taitung Preschools


陳必卿(Bi-Ching Chen)


幼兒數學學習 ; 原住民家長 ; 臺東地區 ; 數學學習情境 ; 調查研究 ; mathematical learning of children ; indigenous parents ; Taitung ; mathematical learning contexts ; survey




39期(2017 / 12 / 31)


141 - 167






This study was mainly aimed at the investigation of the indigenous parents' attitude toward the mathematical learning contexts in the Taitung preschools. Questionnaire survey was conducted to understand parents' attitude toward teaching environments, teaching concepts, and the difference between teaching materials. Parents with children aged from 3 to 6 years old and studying in the preschools were selected by random sampling, and the 500 questionnaires were sent with 92.6% of response rate. Besides, the study was analyzed by one-way ANOVA to get realized if the different backgrounds of the Taitung indigenous parents would affect their attitude toward the mathematical learning contexts and its effective factors. Furthermore, differences between analyzing groups were then compared based on Scheffe' when two groups of independence variables got significant. This study found that: (i) in the part of parents' attitude toward the mathematical teaching environment and teaching concepts, most of them thought that -children's preference on the mathematical learning was more important than their abilities," -preschools should provide children with well-prepared mathematical education," and -teachers' mathematical teaching of quality was expected by parents;"(ii) in the part of teaching materials, they thought things below were important, including -understanding the concept of clock and time," -recognition of shapes such as square, triangle, and circle," -basic mathematical concept such as recognition of figures, comparison of numbers, and calculating," and -basic spatial concepts;"(iii) in the part of parents' attitude from different background, their attitude would be influenced by -age of the child," -characteristics of the preschools the child studying in," -the siblings ranking of the child."

主题分类 社會科學 > 教育學
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