


An image of a university teacher who serves as a lecturer in Mandarin


張瓊霙(Chiung-Ying Chang)


通識教育 ; 國文 ; 兼任講師 ; 教育哲學 ; 教師圖像 ; general education ; Chinese language ; part-time lecturer ; philosophy of education ; teacher image




43期(2019 / 12 / 31)


33 - 50






The Chinese language class is very likely to arouse people's attention and opinions, which makes the professional ability of the Chinese language teacher easily overlooked. Under the traditional education system of Taiwan, most universities have general education in freshman Chinese, which has led many liberal arts students to enter the university workplace after graduation, but in recent years, they have been affected by declining birthrates and utilitarianism of the discipline. The environment of the university's Chinese language education has undergone a major transformation. There has been a reform of the university's Chinese language education with the goal of "writing for life". The writing of life can avoid the alienation of high school students and Chinese students. However, after losing the correct answer, the university's Chinese language lecturers face various challenges in the teaching field, including the ability to take up the link between life and language education. Can the concept of life education be implemented? And the various influences that arise from the nature of part-time work. This dissertation starts with the self-narrating research method, explores the teacher function of the Chinese language lecturer, and the existing value and significance of the general Chinese language education. It also analyzes the problems faced by the Chinese language lecturers such as students, schools and social environment to construct the ideal. The image of the lecturer of the Chinese language, which is the self-cultivation of the lecturer of the Chinese language, consists of: first, self-perception of the teaching concept; second, guiding students to construct meaning; and thirdly, maintaining the initial heart in the face of challenge, with the expectation that the university will serve as a lecturer of Chinese language under limited autonomy. Show the style of "teacher self".

主题分类 社會科學 > 教育學
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