


Favoritism Behavior with Work-Related and Affect-Related Resources: The Differential Effects of Two-Dimensional Differential Leadership




謝佩儒(Pei-Ju Hsieh);鄭伯壎(Bor-Shiuan Cheng);周婉茹(Wan-Ju Chou)


上下關係認定 ; 工作績效 ; 主管忠誠 ; 差序式領導 ; 資源理論 ; differential leadership ; job performance ; loyalty to supervisor ; resource theory ; vertical relational identity




54期(2020 / 12 / 01)


3 - 62






Differential leadership (DL) is a unique leadership style within organizations in the Chinese Confucian culture in which leaders treat ingroup subordinates more favorably than outgroup subordinates. However, past studies have shown inconsistent results with respect to the effect of DL on subordinates' performance. To address this issue, we proposed a two-dimensional model of DL based on resource theory (Foa & Foa, 1974): favoritism with economic and work-related resources (i.e., work-based DL), and favoritism with affect-related resources (i.e., affect-based DL). The aim of this study is to explore the dual dimensions of DL and to examine their differential effects on job performance and loyalty to the supervisor. According to social exchange theory (Blau, 1964), ingroup subordinates who receive more resources from their leaders reciprocate by showing more devotion and loyalty. Outgroup subordinates display behaviors expected by the leader through vicarious learning (姜定宇、鄭伯壎,2014;鄭伯壎,2005). However, the central principle of social exchange is that individuals are most likely to exchange resources with those who possess the same type of resources (Brinberg & Castell, 1982). Accordingly, the impact of work-based DL on job performance should be greater than on loyalty to the supervisor. In contrast, affect-based DL should trigger more loyalty to the supervisor than job performance. In the view of the identity-matching principle (Ullrich, Wieseke, Christ, Schulze, & van Dick, 2007), we also examined the moderating role of the subordinate's vertical relational identity (RI). RI can be divided into instrumental RI and expressive RI. Instrumental RI refers to the subordinate's relational identity encompassing rational calculation and benefit exchange in the vertical dyad, whereas expressive RI refers to the subordinate's relational identity encompassing mutual consideration and the sharing of emotions in the vertical dyad. The former is information and cognition based, and the latter is normative and affect based. Past studies have shown that leadership effectiveness is stronger when the subordinate's self-identity matches the leader's behavior (Hogg & Martin, 2003; Lord & Brown, 2004); if the subordinate's self-identity does not match the leader's behavior, leadership effectiveness is reduced (Ullrich et al., 2007). Since the content of economic and work-related resources is consistent with the connotation of instrumental RI, the relationship between work-based DL and job performance and loyalty to the supervisor should be stronger when the subordinate's instrumental RI is high. Furthermore, as work-based DL motivates more job performance than loyalty to the supervisor, the moderating effect of instrumental RI should be stronger on the relationship between work-based DL and job performance. In the same vein, since the content of affect-related resources is consistent with the connotation of expressive RI, the relationship between affect-based DL and job performance and loyalty to the supervisor should be stronger when the subordinate's expressive RI is high. As affect-based DL inspires more loyalty to the supervisor than job performance, the moderating effect of expressive RI should be stronger on the relationship between affect-based DL and loyalty to the supervisor. We first revised the original scale items developed by Jiang and Cheng (姜定宇、鄭伯壎,2014), and also designed some new items based on resource theory. After evaluating content validity, 21 items were retained for factor analysis. Data collected from 341 employees were randomly split into two groups for exploratory and confirmatory factor analysis. The results supported the dual-factor model of DL and its discriminant validity. Another data set containing 251 colleague dyads was collected and tested with structural equation modeling. The results showed that work-based DL is positively related to job performance and loyalty to the supervisor. The former relationship had a stronger effect than the latter, indicating that corresponding resources will have stronger effects. Furthermore, the subordinate's expressive RI positively moderated the effect of affect-based DL on loyalty to the supervisor, which echoes the identity-matching principle. We proposed applying resource theory as the theoretical basis for differentiating the construct domain of DL, and examined its factor structure. We confirmed that the differential effects of the two-dimensional model of DL are in alignment with the identity-matching principle.

主题分类 社會科學 > 心理學
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