


Who's Science Education? Science Education in Multicultural Perspective




傅麗玉(Li-Yu Fu)


多元文化教育 ; 科學教育 ; 原住民教育 ; Indigenous science education ; Multicultural education ; Science education




7卷1期(2004 / 01 / 01)


91 - 108+182






Science education is for all citizens in a society. Science education is for cultivating all citizens' scientific literature. School science teaching should provide a learning environment in which all students of cultural diversities are actively participating members. However, science education in the society of Taiwan has been developed under the mainstream population's cultural values. The indigenous people's natural knowledge values are underrepresented in school science education. Hardly can we see connection for indigenous students between their life experiences and science learning. This article is an examination of science education in the society of Taiwan from multicultural perspective. The impacts of the conflict between cultural differences and learning are raised as discussed. Recommendations are made to address the direction of science education development in Taiwan.

主题分类 社會科學 > 教育學
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