


The Educational Goals of University-Departments and Their Implications in Curriculum and Instruction




郭丁熒(Ding-Ying Guo)


大學學系 ; 教育目標 ; 不同年代 ; university-department ; educational goal ; decade




16卷2期(2013 / 04 / 01)


1 - 32




本研究旨在分析大學的學系教育目標、比較七個不同年代成立的學系之教育目標,進而提出對大學課程與教學之啟示。本研究以101學年度第一學期公私立大學(不含科技大學、學院)學系之教育目標為分析對象。以年代別為依據,採立意叢集抽樣方式,故共抽取27所公私立大學,680學系之教育目標進行分析。經採質性研究,辨識出3760筆教育目標陳述,分類為61項次類目、從而組織整理為5項類目、並進一步歸納獲得兩項主類目。所獲得之3760筆教育目標陳述,再以SPSS for windows 20.0版套裝軟體進行次數分配及卡方檢定。研究發現:1.大學學系所羅列之教育目標相當多元,反映現代大學追求的多樣目的。2.大學學系教育非常重視「專業知能」的培育,較不重視「生活/家庭準備」。3.大學學系教育目標有職業化之現象,尤其是2000年以後成立的學系。4.七個不同年代成立的學系教育目標之差異不大,有「專才」優先於「通才」之定型化現象。根據上述結論,本研究提出「以多樣化的大學學系教育目標為基礎,展現多元化的課程與教學」、「注重就業準備,但不宜淪為職業訓練的課程與教學」、「以培育專才為優先,期也能引發學生關懷自身的課程與教學」等三項啟示。


The purposes of this study were to analyze and compare the educational goals among the departments that were founded at seven different periods of time. The educational goals made public in 2012 were surveyed from departments in public and private universities, with colleges and technology universities excluded. Based on purposive cluster sampling, the current study sampled 680 departments founded in different periods of time from 27 universities. The information of educational goals was qualitatively analyzed. This study identified 3760 statements of educational goals, which were then classified into 61 subcategories. These subcategories were subsequently re-grouped into 5 categories and then merged into two main categories. The 3760 statements of educational goals were further analyzed with SPSS for windows 20.0 to obtain frequency distribution and Chi-square test. The findings of this study are summarized as follows:1. A variety of educational goals listed by the departments appear to suggest that modern universities intend to play multi-functional roles.2. The professional intelligence is emphasized and the preparation for life skills is downplayed in the departments' educational goals.3. Preparing to get a job has gradually become the departments' educational goals, especially for the departments founded after the year of 2000.4. No striking differences were observed in the educational goals among the departments founded in the seven different periods of time. High priority to equip undergraduates with specialty rather than with general management is constantly emphasized across all the departments sampled.Based on the above findings, several implications were made. In response to a wide range of educational goals, curriculum and instruction should also be made diverse. Although preparing to get a job is important, the department's curriculum and instruction should not serve just as an occupational training. Cultivating undergraduate to focus on care-for-self is essential in the curriculum and instruction of university.

主题分类 社會科學 > 教育學
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