


The Exploration of an Integrated Investigation Conceptual Framework for Curriculum Transformation




黃政傑(Jenq-Jye Hwang)


課程轉化 ; 多元文化教育 ; 多元教育 ; 課程決定層級 ; curriculum transformation ; multicultural education ; diversity education ; curriculum decision-making levels




16卷3期(2013 / 07 / 01)


1 - 29




課程轉化(curriculum transformation)是課程研究和課程改革頗受重視的主題,一直以來有兩個重要的探討方向,其一為多元文化或多元教育的課程轉化,其二為課程決定層級的課程轉化。在探討過程中這兩個方向常被當成不相干的路線,實際上兩者交互關聯,應該建立一個可以互相關照的概念整合架構,以提升課程轉化的效果。再則,這兩個方向的課程轉化探究在國內中小學和大專教育常是各自為政,忽略各級教育的銜接性和整體性,有必要建立宏觀的整體課程轉化概念架構交互參照。本文先扼要說明課程轉化的意涵,其次分析美國多元文化和多元教育的課程轉化,及其對國內重大議題多元文化教育課程轉化的意義,提出兼顧中小學和高教、整合多元文化和多元教育以及課程決定層級課程轉化的概念架構,指出其中可能之研究意涵。


The topic of curriculum transformation (CT) is very important in curriculum reform and research. Currently, two directions are frequently emergent but also taken separately by reformers and researchers sometimes to lead to different jobs. One is the multicultural education CT, the other is CT of curriculum decision-making levels. Beginning with an analyzing the meaning of CT, this paper explores its related theory and practice in multicultural education as well as in diversity education. It also looks for its possible inspirations for Taiwan’s curriculum reform nowadays. Finally, an integrated investigation conceptual framework was brought up for CT with some research questions recommended for further studies.

主题分类 社會科學 > 教育學
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