


Critical Textbook Research: A Methodological Exploration




王雅玄(Ya-Hsuan Wang)


批判教科書研究 ; 批判論述分析 ; 教科書方法論 ; 教科書批判 ; Critical Textbook Research ; Critical Discourse Analysis ; Textbook Methodology ; Textbook Critic




19卷3期(2016 / 07 / 01)


27 - 54




教科書研究的正當性已獲官方承認,從過去的「國立編譯館」主事中小學官方教科用書的編撰,到今日的「教科書研究中心」主事審查研發出版各類教科書及研究。教科書研究的價值不僅在於提升教科書品質,更重要的是提升教科書使用者的批判能力。本研究基於教科書研究方法論的匱乏與借用弊病,借用Foster 教科書研究的批判傳統立場,提出「批判教科書研究」,期能針對教科書研究提供新穎實用的見解與批判之道,並回答以下研究問題:1.教科書何須批判?教科書有哪些問題?2.教科書批判什麼?教科書批判的內涵為何?3.教科書如何批判?教科書批判方法有哪些細節?4.教科書何處批判?教科書批判的範疇為何?5.教科書批判之後?教科書批判之後可以有哪些建設性效益?「批判教科書研究」方法論不但能延伸教科書批判的研究範疇,也能深化教科書批判的研究質地,不僅侷限於文本批判,而是論述批判,論述是時代思想產物,教科書之外的教學言說、公共言談都可能與教科書之內的意識型態相輔相成。


With the legitimization of research on textbooks, National Institute for Compilation and Translation, which used to be in charge of managing the official compilation for school textbooks, has been transformed into Development Center for Textbook, which not only takes over the examination of all the published textbooks but also conducts all sorts of textbook research and development. Textbook research is valued for improving and promoting the quality of textbooks for writers as well as the use of textbooks for teachers and students. Although teachers and students cannot decide the content of textbook, they should develop a good sense of textbook critique. Based on a review of literature, this paper intended to explore the methodology of critical textbook research and aimed to answer the following questions: 1. Why critique a textbook? What are the problems in textbook itself? 2. What to critique a textbook? What are the contents of a textbook critique? 3. How to critique a textbook? What are the methods of critical textbook research? 4. Where to critique a textbook? What is the scope of critical textbook research? 5. What is the next step after a textbook critique is written? What is the constructive efficiency after a textbook critique is written?

主题分类 社會科學 > 教育學
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