


Evaluative Language Performance of Aboriginal and Non-aboriginal Young Children in Taiwan: Cultural and Gender Differences




賴文鳳(Wen-Feng Lai);陳妍妤(Yen-Yu Chen)


原住民幼兒 ; 評價語言 ; 故事重述 ; 文化差異 ; 性別差異 ; aboriginal children ; evaluative language ; story retelling ; cultural difference ; gender difference




20卷1期(2017 / 01 / 01)


201 - 227




本論文旨在探討部落原住民與非原住民幼兒在卡通故事和無字圖畫書重述之敘說評價發展的差異,研究對象為40 位就讀公立幼兒園的五歲幼兒。本論文以個別訪談方式蒐集語料,並以兒童語料交換系統(Child Language ExchangeSystem, CHILDES)轉譯、分析幼兒的語料。以幼兒之文化背景和性別為自變項,敘說評價之八個代碼為依變項,主要研究結果如下:(一)在卡通故事重述方面,原住民幼兒使用較多的「感知語詞」、「重複語詞」,非原住民則使用較多的「意圖或希望語詞」、「引述語詞」;女幼兒使用較多的「意圖或希望語詞」、「引述語詞」、「不需要的語詞」。(二)在無字圖畫書重述方面,原住民幼兒使用較多的「重複語詞」,非原住民則使用較多的「引述語詞」;男幼兒使用較多的「重複語詞」。本論文亦提出相關研究討論與建議。


This study aimed to understand how five-year-old aboriginal and non-aboriginal children used narrative evaluations during retelling a cartoon story and a wordless picture book. 40 children were recruited: 20 aboriginal and 20 non-aboriginal children. Interviews were conducted individually and audio-recorded. Transcripts were coded according to the rules of Child Language Exchange System (CHILDES). The independent variables include culture and gender, and the dependent variables are eight codes of narrative evaluation. The primary results were as follows: (1) In retelling a cartoon story, aboriginal children were more likely to use sensory terms, and repetitions than were non-aboriginal children; non-aboriginal children were more likely to use intention, and reported speech than were aboriginal children; female children were more likely to use intention, reported speech, and gratuitous terms than were male children. (2) In retelling a wordless picture book, aboriginal children were more likely to use repetitions than were non-aboriginal children; non-aboriginal children were more likely to use reported speech than were aboriginal children; male children were more likely to use repetitions than were female children. Discussions and implications were also included.

主题分类 社會科學 > 教育學
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