


Exploring the Influential Factors of the Primary and Secondary School Teachers' Professional Development from the Perspective of System Dynamics




馮莉雅(Feng Li Yia);曾素秋(Tseng Su Chiu);陳昭宇(Chen Chao Yu)


教師專業發展 ; 系統動態學 ; 教師專業成長 ; 教學訪問教師 ; Teachers' professional development ; System dynamics ; Teachers' professional growth ; Teaching visiting instructor




23卷4期(2020 / 10 / 01)


153 - 196






In the past, we often used simple linear thinking to explore the relationship between variables. However, the causal relationship of things is the chain and interaction of a series of variables. System dynamics is good at expressing complex logic in a simple and intuitive graphical representation of causal reasoning. The purpose of this study was to explore the influential factors of the teachers' professional development of the primary and secondary schools from the perspective of system dynamics. This study drew a causal feedback loop diagram of the teachers' professional development by applying system thinking, built a system architecture, and verified it with primary data. The research findings were the following. Firstly, the influential factors of teachers' professional development included three conditions such as teacher conditions, social networks, and environmental conditions. Secondly, three facets influenced the teachers' professional development. The secondary factors contained in each aspect produce complex, positive, and negative causal relationships and formed multiple causal feedback loop and secondary loop. Based on the conclusions, this study proposes some suggestions about teachers' professional development and future research.

主题分类 社會科學 > 教育學
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