


Relationship between Entrepreneurial Motivation and Entrepreneurial Intention in Physical Education Major: Moderating Effect of Self-Efficacy and Social Context




王俊人(Jun-Ren Wang);方怡潔(Yi-Chieh Fang)


創業行為 ; 創業平臺 ; 人才培育 ; 生涯規劃 ; entrepreneurial behavior ; entrepreneurial platform ; personnel training ; career planning




18卷3期(2016 / 09 / 30)


179 - 196






The purpose of this study was to examine the moderation effect of self-efficacy and social context on the relationship between entrepreneurial motivation (push and pull) and entrepreneurial intention. The participants were sampled from six physical education (PE) departments in north Taiwan (N = 330). The experimental instrument was comprised of 4 scales concerning entrepreneurial motivation, entrepreneurial intention, self-efficacy, and social context. The questionnaires from participants were collected from September to November, 2014. The data were analyzed using hierarchical regression. The results showed that: (1) Entrepreneurial motivation (push, pull) was positively influenced the entrepreneurial intention, and pull motivation was higher than push motivation. (2) Self-efficacy weakened the relationship between entrepreneurial motivation and intention. (3) Social context strengthened the relationship between push motivation and entrepreneurial intention. We concluded that: (1) Entrepreneurial motivation was positively related to the entrepreneurial intention. For PE major' entrepreneurial intention, the influence of intrinsic entrepreneurial motivation was higher than the external entrepreneurial motivation. (2) In higher entrepreneurial motivation of PE major, having higher self-efficacy, having lower entrepreneurial intention than others. (3) For those PE major with higher entrepreneurial motivation, investing more efforts to develop social context, had higher entrepreneurial intention than others. We suggest that: (1) The entrepreneurship concept and materials should be concluded in their teaching curriculum to strengthen PE major' entrepreneurial motivation. (2) For the PE major with higher entrepreneurial motivation but having less self-efficacy, school can hire the teachers having entrepreneurial experiences and construct entrepreneurial support platform to develop and promoter PE major systematically. (3) The PE major with higher entrepreneurial intention should develop official and non-official social context simultaneously to promote higher entrepreneurial intention.

主题分类 社會科學 > 體育學
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