


The Study on the Relationship between Teachers' Work Stress and Teaching Effectiveness in Senior High Schools under the Impact of Declining Birth Rate




白家儀(Chia-Yi Pai);賴志峰(Chih-Feng Lai)


少子化 ; 教師工作壓力 ; 教學效能 ; declining birth rate ; teachers'work stress ; teaching effectiveness




93期(2014 / 09 / 16)


185 - 209






The purpose of this study was to investigate the current situation of senior high school teachers' work stress and teaching effectiveness under the impact of declining birth rate, and the relationship between teachers' work stress and teaching effectiveness. The survey research method was adopted in this study, and the main research tool was the questionnaires of teachers' work stress and teaching effectiveness. Survey data from 500 teachers of private senior high schools in Taichung City were collected. All data was distributed by means of frequency and percentage. Means and standard error, One-way ANOVA, t-test and Person's product-moment correlation were used to study teachers' work stress and teaching effectiveness. The brief results are as followings: 1. The level of work stress of teachers is averagely under the impact of declining birth rate. 2. The level of teaching effectiveness of teachers is above average under the impact of declining birth rate. 3. There are significant differences in work stress of teachers with education degree and job position. 4. There are significant differences in teaching effectiveness of teachers with age, marriage and teaching year. 5. There is significant positive correlation between teachers' work stress and teaching effectiveness under the impact of declining birth rate. 6. There is significant predictability on working pressure against teaching effectiveness of private senior high school teachers.

主题分类 社會科學 > 教育學
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