Constant changes in educational issues, the principal must lead the school into a new era with more advanced and professional educational technology. This study analyzes the trend of Taiwan's elementary principals' leadership and distributed leadership, and uses descript statistics on the survey results from the 2018 OECD "Teaching and Learning International Survey" (TALIS) of Taiwanese principals and teachers to understand the current situation of elementary principals distributed leadership. The findings indicate that the principal of Taiwan's elementary school is currently through executive leadership, condense school vison by curriculum teaching conference, the curriculum and teacher teaching and leadership-related professional development are emphasized, and the trust culture is created by planning the new teachers to participate in the effective energy introduction activities, sharing the powers of running the school with the team, and implementing distributed leadership. The study recommends that the principal can emphasize the meaning and value of distributed leadership through training courses and on-the-job training opportunities, and consider the current situation of the school and the educational goals, create a professional support atmosphere, unite the organization's centripetal force, and encourage the members of the organization to pursue professional training.
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