


The Work Stressors of Male and Female Teachers in Elementary Schools: Evidence from Taiwan's Participation in TALIS Data




張芳全(Fang-Chung Chang)


成長型壓力源 ; 自我效能 ; 阻礙型壓力源 ; 教師工作壓力 ; 專業成長 ; growth pressure source ; hindering pressure source ; professional growth ; self-efficacy ; teacher work pressure




133期(2021 / 05 / 16)


121 - 151






The work pressure of male and female teachers in elementary schools has long been concerned. However, what were the stressors of elementary school teachers? This study used 3,472 elementary school teachers in Taiwan from the OECD International Survey of Teaching and Learning in 2018 to analyze factors related to their work stress. The following conclusions were obtained: 1. The gender, working experience, education level, and work pressure of elementary school teachers were not significantly related to the teachers' work pressure. For female teachers, the more they were burdened with teaching, the policy changes, the responsibility for students' learning performance, the more work pressure they experienced. However, these factors were not related to male teachers' work pressure. 2. The more professional growth the elementary school male and female teachers experienced, the lower their work pressure. However, self-efficacy was not related to work pressure. 3. The administrative burden, the maintenance of classroom order, student intimidation and humiliation, parental concerns, the burden of preparing lessons, and the work of acting as an agent for absent colleagues were all positively significantly related to both the male and female teachers' work pressure. Among them, the administrative burden and maintaining the classroom order were two important source of stress. 4 The more courses the male and female elementary school teachers designed for students with disabilities, the lower their work pressure. The burden of grading homework was not significantly related to the teachers' work pressure. The burden of graded homework by male and female teachers in elementary schools is not significantly related to work pressure. The contributions of this research were: first, the key stressors of elementary school teachers were administrative work and class management, parents' concerns and the burden of lesson preparation; second, teachers' professional growth, which was beneficial to teachers' work stress reduction, was a growth stressor. This paper concluded with in-depth discussions and specific suggestions.

主题分类 社會科學 > 教育學
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