


Healthcare Information Technology Service Quality: From a Medical Staff Perspective


葉耕榕(Keng-Jung Yeh);王鈿(Tien Wang);李承翰(Cheng-Han Lee)


醫療資訊科技服務品質 ; 醫療資訊科技 ; 服務品質 ; 非自願性 ; 隱私性 ; Healthcare Information Technology Service Quality (HITSQ) ; Healthcare Information Technology (HIT) ; Service Quality ; Involuntariness ; Privacy




21卷2期(2014 / 04 / 01)


139 - 160




由於資訊科技快速發展,醫療院所仰賴資訊科技輔助的程度增加,近年來醫療資訊管理也成為受學者重視的一個研究領域。其中,針對醫療院所資訊室所提供之醫療資訊科技的服務品質之研究在學界及業界皆有其重要性,但少見討論。過去研究之觀點多將醫療資訊科技僅視為醫院服務品質之一環,而缺少對於醫療資訊科技本身的探討。本研究根據Brady與Cronin(2001)之理論,建構「醫療資訊科技服務品質(Healthcare Information Technology Service Quality: HITSQ)」衡量模型,其三大主要構面為系統品質、互動品質及結果品質。本研究並採用DeLone與McLean(2003)之新版資訊系統成功模型(UpdatedIS Success Model)進行HITSQ之有效性實證測試,並加入非自願性以釐清使用者自發使用與否的影響。研究結果高度支持理論模型,關鍵變數使用者滿意度及持續使用意願的R^2值頗高,整體模型之適配度亦高,表示模型具良好解釋力。文末亦對於HITSQ之學術及實務貢獻及研究限制、建議等進行討論。


Information technology has become an integral part of daily operation in medical institutions. Thus, the research domain of healthcare information management is getting importance in recent years. Among the related studies, the evaluation of service quality on healthcare information technology (HIT) has good potential in both academia and practice but receives limited attention. The extant literature mainly discusses the HIT as a part of healthcare service quality and does not study the service quality of HIT itself. This paper conceptualizes the healthcare information technology service quality (HITSQ) based on the theory of Brady and Cronin (2001). The three main components developed are system quality, interactive quality, and outcome quality. To test the empirical effect of HITSQ, the updated IS success model of DeLone and McLean (2003) is adopted as the test bed. The construct of involuntariness is also introduced to test its impact. The result highly supports the proposed hierarchical composition of HITSQ construct. The whole model also shows good fit and high R^2 in satisfaction and use continuance intention constructs. The academic and practical contribution, research limitation and future suggestion are discussed in the last part.

主题分类 基礎與應用科學 > 資訊科學
社會科學 > 管理學
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