The main purpose of this study was to develop the Inventory of Teaching Charisma in the College Classroom (ITCCC). The initial items were built based on reviewing the relevant literatures and informal discussing with students. The formal scale was obtained by 265 pilot study samples of sophomores and items analysis. The valid 1,035 participants were randomly divided into 3 groups to perform exploratory factor analysis, confirmatory factor analysis and criterion-related validity, and cross-validation examination, respectively. After exploratory factor analysis, four factors - morality, humor, knowledge, and teaching techniques - were extracted. The Cronbach's α coefficient for the entire scale was .962, and the coefficients of internal consistency for four subscales ranged from .898 to .927. The results from confirmatory factor analysis suggested that the ITCCC has good goodness of fit and criterion-related validity; moreover, the four factors have good composite reliability and average variance extracted. The ITCCC therefore had good reliability and validity. Finally, the cross-validation for the model was examined on the third sample set.
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