


The Development of A Chinese Shortened Version of the Big Five Inventory (BFI)


李仁豪(Ren-Hau Li);鍾芯瑜(Hsin-Yu Chung)


BFI五大人格量表 ; 信效度 ; 簡式版本 ; Big Five Inventory ; Reliability and Validity ; Shortened Version




67卷4期(2020 / 12 / 01)


271 - 299




為了在有限時間內完成多種測驗,並增加受試者的合作意願,簡式量表的需求乃逐漸升高。本研究針對44題的「五大人格量表」(Big Five Inventory, BFI)(簡稱BFI-44)進行中文翻譯及其簡式版發展,並以生活滿意度、心理幸福感、正負向情感及自尊作為效標。以兩群臺灣大學生為樣本,第一群樣本730人用來看BFI-44的信效度及進行簡式版的選題,並提供內部一致性信度、建構效度、聚合效度、區辨相關以及效標關聯效度等訊息,第二群樣本732人用來驗證BFI-15簡式版的模型適配度,以及獲得BFI-44及簡式版的另一部分效標關聯效度訊息。簡式版BFI-15是在結構方程式模型的測量模型架構下,參考五項選題規則所選出的,每一種人格向度各3題,共15題。研究結果發現:(1)BFI-15與BFI-44在對應的五大人格上之相關介於.80~.90,顯示BFI-15 的試題內涵在一定程度上可代表BFI-44;(2)BFI-15的驗證性因素分析模型適配度佳,因素負荷量除兩題為.44 及.48外,其餘在.64~.87之間,聚合效度佳,因素間經檢定後也具區辨性;(3)BFI-44及BFI-15與各效標的相關組型一致,也與文獻結果相似;(4)BFI-44及BFI-15皆與TDA「五大人格量表」在對應人格上有中高度相關,聚合效度佳;(5)BFI-44各人格向度之內部一致性信度α介於.73~.83,而BFI-15介於.67~.81。此外,BFI-15的組合信度介於.69~.81。


In order to administrate many scales in a short time and to increase willing of participants to fill in them, a need of short scales is increasing. This study aimed to develop a Chinese translation version of 44-item BFI (Big Five Inventory), named BFI-44, and then to make its shortened version BFI-15 with criteria, such as satisfaction of life, psychological well-being, positive and negative emotion, and self-esteem. Two university student samples were collected in Taiwan. One sample with 730 students data was used to obtain reliability and validity of the translated BFI-44 Chinese version, and to make item selection for BFI-15 with internal consistency reliability, construct validity, convergent validity, discriminant validity, and criterion-related validity. The other sample with 732 students data was used to confirm model-fit of BFI-15 and to offer the other criterion-related validities of BFI-44 and BFI-15. Items in the BFI-15 were selected according to five rules under measurement model of the structural equation model. 3 items in each personality subscale were selected, and totally 15 items were included in the shortened version. The results showed that (1) Correlation coefficients were .80-.90 in the corresponding personality between BFI-44 and BFI-15, indicating BFI-15 a good representative of BFI-44; (2) Good model-fits and good convergent validities with .64- .87 factor loadings except for two items with .44 and .48. Discrimination was also among five personality traits; (3) Correlation patterns for BFI-44 and BFI-15 with criteria were consistent and also similar to past studies; (4) BFI-44 and BFI-15 both had high correlation coefficients with TDA big five personality scale, showing good convergent validities; (5) Internal consistent reliability s were .73-.83 for BFI-44, and .67-.81 for BFI-15. Besides, composite reliabilities were .69-.81 for BFI-15.

主题分类 社會科學 > 心理學
社會科學 > 教育學
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