This study investigated the intelligence performance, assessed by the WISC-III test, of secondary students with leaning disabilities (LD). The LD sample contained 144 students in total and comprised three subtypes: students with difficulties in word recognition (DWR), those with difficulties in horizontal arithmetic (DHA), and those with difficulties in both WR and HA (WRHA). For comparison, two normal student samples were selected based on the Taiwanese norm for the WSIC-III: these were a normal-IQ student sample and an IQ-matched group, comprised of 1076 and 144 members respectively. Three research questions were answered by the aforementioned groups; in addition to the patterns proposed in the literature (i.e. Bannatyne, ACID, ACIDS, and SCAD patterns), the researchers noted IQ distribution and differences in POI/SCAD among the subjects. The results were as follows. (1) Students with an LD showed an IQ below the norm, and were mainly distributed within the range 85-99; this range thus indicated the tendency of low IQ students with LD's. (2) A higher percentage of LD students showed all the WISC-III patterns and wide POI/ SCAD differences than for the normal or IQ-matched group, which revealed that LD students differed from normal students in those cognitive patterns. Among all LD groups the DHA group showed the clearest difference. (3) The POI/SCAD difference, emphasizing the differences between two levels of cognitive ability, more clearly showed the degree of LD students' variation from the normal and IQ-matched groups; that implied weak cognitive patterning characterizes LD students. (4) The DHA group was found to be the most consistent with the possession of an LD in the literature; however, the DHA group appeared to be the most different of all those studied. Some recommendations were made, based on the findings, for further study and practical work.
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