


Factors Influencing the Creative Instruction of Integrated Activities Teachers




洪久賢(Jeou-Shyan Horng);洪榮昭(Jon-Chao Hong);林麗娟(Lih-Juan Lin);蔡長艷(Chang-Yen Tsai)


人格特質 ; 思考類型 ; 創造力 ; 創意教學 ; 綜合活動 ; personal trait ; thinking style ; creativity ; creative instruction ; integrated activities




52卷2期(2007 / 08 / 01)


49 - 71






A qualitative research method was used to investigate the internal and external factors that influence the ”creative instruction” of teachers in the field of Integrated Activities. Focus group interviews, in-depth interviews and classroom observation were used for data collection. Four Integrated Activities teachers who won the Creative Instruction Award for creative teaching were selected as the subjects of this study. The contents of in-depth interviews, teachers' syllabi, lesson plans, teachers' reflections and classroom observation videotapes were analyzed. Data were collected and validated through data triangulation. The following were found to be favorable teacher characteristics for creative instruction in the field of Integrative Activities: (1) thinking style: teachers have a creative and also legislative thinking style; (2) personal traits: teachers are full of ideas, attempt to make changes, are self-confident, imaginative, have a sense of humor, welcome new experiences, are curious, willing to grow, etc.; (3) family factors: teachers have open, tolerant and creative parents and also are open, tolerant and creative in dealing with their own children; (4) growth and educational experiences: teachers themselves grew up playing games created by themselves and their friends, listening to one another's stories, brainstorming with their classmates and being inspired by good teachers; and, most important of all, (5) teachers love to teach and believe in the importance of hard work and motivation, for themselves and for their students.

主题分类 社會科學 > 教育學
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