


Imagining a Men-Inclusive Feminist Approach? An Example of Child Care Leave in the Gender Equality Employment Act of Taiwan




陳宜倩(Yi‐Chien Chen)


男子氣概 ; 男性研究 ; 育嬰假 ; 女性主義理論 ; 性別歧視 ; 工作家庭衝突 ; masculinities ; Men's Study ; child care leave ; feminist theory ; gender discrimination ; work-family conflict




36期(2015 / 06 / 01)


1 - 47






Some feminists in the US or Taiwan, either to fight for women's rights or to choose the way they want to lead their lives, have opted to stay away from men. What is the situation today? Are men still absent from the women's movement or avoiding advocating gender equality? Can men be the subject in feminist thinking? Does the landscape of feminism include men? Is the separation of women from men really necessary? From women's studies to gender studies/sexuality studies, in the context of Taiwan and in the Chinese-speaking environment, the picture of men has changed over time. Can we re-imagine a men-inclusive feminist approach which grows out of the local context and is valid across borders? After exploring "masculinities," this article will use the child care leave gender politics appearing in discussion of the Gender Equality Employment Act of Taiwan as an example, to analyze the related public debates and practices at work, to think of the relations between men and women's movement, and hope to propose a men-inclusive feminist activism approach and related law reform for Taiwan.

主题分类 社會科學 > 社會學
社會科學 > 社會學
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